Who is Elvin Shirinov, who brought Azerbaijan $100 million in 10 months?

In the first 10 months of this year, Azerbaijan's total exports amounted to $29.3 billion, and only 9.2% of it, or $2.7 billion, came from the non-oil sector.
reports that 17% of exported non-raw materials, or $456 million, came from 9 companies and 1 individual entrepreneur.
The list of private companies (individual entrepreneurs) that exported the most non-oil products to foreign countries in the first 10 months of 2023 was as follows:
Shirinov Elvin Valeh ogly – $98.4 million.
MKT “İstehsalat Kommersiya” LLC - $75.2 million.
CJSC “Baku Steel Company” - $58.7 million.
Representative office of “Azərbaycan İnterneyşnl Mayninq Kompani Limited Şirkəti” LLC in Azerbaijan - $53.2 million.
LLC “Best Logistik” - $37.4 million.
STP “Global Cable” LLC - $31.1 million.
LLC “My Fruit” - 30.1 million US dollars.
LLC “P-Aqro” - 28.7 million US dollars.
LLC “Mors Trading” - 22.6 million US dollars.
LLC “Azərbaycan Şəkər İstehsalat Birliyi” - $20.7 million.
For information, there is no information in open sources about Elvin Shirinov, who exported products worth almost $100 million in 10 months. There is no information about what products are exported by Elvin Shirinov, registered as an individual entrepreneur (TIN - 2700187092) in the Main Tax Department No. 11.
However, although official institutions have not disclosed information about the largest exporter of Azerbaijan, the relevant official institutions of foreign countries have disclosed information about Elvin Shirinov.
For example, from the information released by the official bodies of Ukraine, it follows that Elvin Shirinov Valeh ogly is registered at the address - Mingachevir, st. A.Vakhid, house 2, apt. 88. Elvin Shirinov mainly exports fruits and vegetables to Ukraine, mainly watermelons and melons. The buyer of the products exported by Elvin Shirinov to Ukraine is the company FPP Antares. The company was founded in January 2022. The name of Elvin Shirinov is included in the list of the 10 largest exporters of Azerbaijan for the first time in 2022.

Elnur Ali
