International Mugham Center has presented the last concert within the "Azerbaijani mugham" project, Azernews reports.
The Azerbaijan State Orchestra of Folk Instruments (artistic director and chief conductor Mustafa Ashurov) mesmerized the audience with compositions "Zabul Segah" and "Bayati Kurd" featuring Honored Artists of Azerbaijan Sevinj Sarayeva, Beyimkhanum Valiyeva, Gochagha Asgarov, and khanende (mugham singer) Elbrus Niftaliyev.
In his speech, director of the International Mugham Center, Honored Artist, and tar player Sahib Pashazade, noted that the main goal of the project is to preserve and pass on Azerbaijani classical performance school to future generations and to convey the philosophy of the ancient mugham art to the wider public.
He emphasized the importance of preserving our national heritage and passing it on to future generations, pointing out the large number of young people in the audience.The performances by the khanende accompanied by the orchestra were met with enthusiastic applause.
Mugham as a form of Azerbaijani folk music is deeply rooted in the spiritual culture of the East. It is one of the oldest genres and the basis of the Azerbaijani oral classical music tradition, along with song and dance folklore. Included in the UNESCO List of Masterpieces of the Intangible Heritage of Humanity, mugham is the embodiment of the soul of the Azerbaijani people, a reflection of their traditions and customs. In total, there are seven main types of modes: Rast, Shur, Segah, Shushter, Chargah, Bayat-Shiraz, Humayun and several secondary ones. Their performance requires high masterly training and special talent.
Mugham regulates the harmonious balance of a person, awakens affection and love for life, and finally, it is a monument of art that has played a significant role in the development of spiritual values of mankind for centuries. In this sense, mugham is a symbol of love and wisdom. The mysterious world of mughams has always attracted the attention of scientists around the world. Musicologists, literary scholars, historians, scientists and philosophers of the Middle Ages have conducted many scientific studies on this unique form of art.
The International Mugham Center was established on the initiative of the First Vice-President of Azerbaijan and President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Mehriban Aliyeva, under the presidential decree dated April 6, 2005.
The center, which laid its foundation that same year and is known as one of Baku's unique architectural projects, opened its doors in 2008.
The design of the building was based on the elements and shapes of the tar, an Azerbaijani musical instrument used in performing mugham. The center was built with the support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.
In 2024, the Mugham Center became the first cultural institution in Azerbaijan to be awarded "international" status by legislation.
The Center regularly organises large-scale music festivals and concerts by highly acclaimed cultural figures.
It also takes important steps towards bolstering cultural ties with Turkiye, Poland, Brazil, Uzbekistan, Morocco, and other countries.
The International Mugham Center is determined to further expand its work and promote Azerbaijani musical culture.
Numerous projects are being carried out by the center in the direction of studying and promoting mugham art.