Strong Leader – Strong State: President Ilham Aliyev’s leadership and political strategy -ANALYSIS

The world continues to be shaken by numerous conflicts, clashes, and wars. Whether in the Middle East, Europe, or Asia, ongoing processes once again show that wars often do not conclude with a definitive outcome; in some cases, they remain unfinished or take on new forms over time. Moreover, modern wars have a more complex nature under the influence of political, economic, and information technologies.

Azerbaijan's historic victory, however, can be considered a positive exception. During the 44-day Patriotic War, the Azerbaijan Army demonstrated an exemplary combat strategy for the entire world. This war was a manifestation of patience, political diplomacy, and the will of the people.

Azerbaijan's exceptional victory

The President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, also spoke about Azerbaijan's historic victory during his speech at the inauguration ceremony of a residential complex built in the village of Sugovushan, Aghdara district on March 18: "For 44 days, our Army, all our Armed Forces were only moving forward, and the liberation of each village, each settlement gave more inspiration to our Army and our entire people. Moreover, the liberation of a large village from the invaders was of particular importance. Sugovushan was the first village to be liberated from the occupiers. The importance of this village is not limited to that alone. Because, as you know, it has tremendous strategic importance. Illegal armed formations and personnel of the Armenian army were stationed in all positions around this village and around the reservoir. From a military point of view, liberating this village from the invaders required both true heroism and self-sacrifice. Our servicemen fulfilled this honorable mission by sacrificing their lives and placing themselves in the line of fire. May God rest the souls of all our martyrs in peace. After 30 years, they fulfilled their historic mission with dignity and showed great heroism both during the Second Karabakh War and during the anti-terror operation."

Throughout history, wars did not always result in the absolute dominance of the victors. Even after World War II, while peace and stability were established in many regions, in some cases, the outcome was relative. Moreover, modern wars are often driven by geopolitical interests, making the meaning of victory somewhat relative. However, the Azerbaijani state and army conducted the war in full compliance with the principles of international law, fully restored state sovereignty, and put an end to the long-unresolved Garabagh conflict. In this regard, we witnessed an event that brought significant change to global military history.

President Ilham Aliyev, addressing this issue in his speech in Sugovushan, stated: "I can say that no one has won a victory as unambiguous and complete as Azerbaijan did after the Second World War. Some conflicts remained unfinished, some remained incomplete, wars have modified into other forms without changing their essence, and took on other forms. Our Victory is complete, and this shows both the strength of our state, our Armed Forces, and the resolve of our people."

A member of the Milli Majlis Committee on Defence, Security, and Counter-Corruption, Rizvan Nabiyev, also stated in an interview with APA that the occupation of Azerbaijani lands was brought to an end thanks to the skillful military and well-thought-out political diplomatic strategy of President Ilham Aliyev: "With this, a new political and geopolitical reality emerged in the region. This reality is based on international law and forms a fundamental basis for future cooperation, development, and integration. Several key phases and directions should be highlighted in the Azerbaijani President's policy regarding the liberation of our lands and the elimination of the consequences of the occupation. As a far-sighted statesman, his strategy in the development of the military industry, army building, and increasing the economic power of the state during the occupation, as well as the unity of the people and the government, resulted in the successful conclusion of the 44-day Patriotic War and the subsequent one-day anti-terrorist operations. Thus, our state independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity were fully restored."

Strong Leader – Strong State concept

Under the leadership of Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijan’s achievements, particularly his role in resolving the Garabagh conflict, can be seen as a confirmation of the strong state and strong leader concept. Ilham Aliyev’s personal oversight of all processes, his deep knowledge of issues down to the finest details, and his ability to make the right decisions highlight his effectiveness in governance and strategic vision. Taking into account the complexities of modern international relations, he has pursued a policy that protects national interests and ensures the country’s security.

The Strong Leader – Strong State concept was also evident in Azerbaijan’s victory in the 44-day Patriotic War. President Ilham Aliyev’s resolute stance, diplomatic skills, and military strategy were key factors in restoring Azerbaijan’s territorial integrity. He successfully conducted an information war on the international stage, delivering Azerbaijan’s just cause to the world. At the same time, the country’s economic, military, and social strengthening is directly linked to the reforms implemented under his leadership. Under the guidance of a strong leader, Azerbaijan has solidified its political stability, development strategy, and international standing.

According to Rizvan Nabiyev, during military operations, President Ilham Aliyev’s leadership as Commander-in-Chief and his defense of Azerbaijan’s rightful position in the face of the international community stand out: "His interviews with global media and his political efforts based on international law continue to be studied today. In fact, one of the U.S. military academies is conducting an in-depth analysis of Azerbaijan’s strategy in the Garabagh War, particularly the operations in Shusha and Hadrut."

Armenians’ decades-long engineering fortification

For many years, engineering and fortification structures, concrete trenches, minefields, and other defense systems were built in the territories occupied by Armenia.

Azerbaijan, through the extensive use of military technologies, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), precision-strike weapons, and modern combat tactics, managed to break through this defense line in a short period and successfully launched a counteroffensive. Additionally, the high level of preparedness of special forces and professional military personnel played a crucial role in Azerbaijan's success.

President Ilham Aliyev, in his speech in Sugovushan, emphasized: "The enemy had built such strong fortifications during the occupation that breaking them required both heroism and professionalism. Many were even convinced that we would never be able to break through those defense lines. Because the natural terrain was on the side of the enemy, the engineering fortifications they had built over the years played into their hands. External forces, foreign countries were behind them – first of all, the OSCE Minsk Group, which supposedly received a mandate to deal with this issue. Their main goal was to make this conflict eternal, to make the occupation of our lands perpetual, to pull wool over our eyes, to deceive us, and to make us accept that reality through endless negotiations. This was the goal of all three of them, and all three of them were united around one cause. However, the current relations between these countries show that this was a very rare situation. So what did that show? That all three of them were behind Armenia, all three of them supported Armenia in various ways. One was providing weapons, one was providing political support, and one was providing economic privileges. We fought against this, we fought against exactly this. When the Second Karabakh War began, it was not known how anyone would act. I mean the great powers. In such a difficult political environment, in such a difficult natural terrain, in such heavily fortified areas, to crush the enemy in a matter of 44 days shows the strength of our people.

Rizvan Nabiyev, recalling that Armenians had created myths of impenetrable borders and other illusions for many years, notes that these myths were completely shattered during the 44-day Patriotic War.

“Azerbaijan achieved a glorious victory. At the same time, the well-thought-out policies pursued by the President, his interviews, speeches at international organizations, and strategic steps ensured Azerbaijan’s superiority in the information sphere as well. The current phase brings regional integration to the forefront under the newly emerging conditions. The steps to be taken in this direction are of particular importance,” Rizvan Nabiyev emphasized.

