Average menu price for 2 people in a restaurant - List of countries

The average price of a menu for two in a middle-class restaurant in Azerbaijan is 58 manats (34.1 US dollars).
reports that this was stated by the famous research portal “Numbeo”.
It is reported that the menu for two includes 3 types of dishes - salads, main courses and desserts.
For comparison, the average price of a menu for 2 people in the countries of the region was as follows:

Armenia – 49.6 dollars;
Georgia – 37.7 dollars;
Azerbaijan – 34.1 dollars;
Kazakhstan – 33.3 dollars;
Russia – 33 dollars;
Belarus – 30.5 dollars;
Türkiye – 28.1 dollars;
Uzbekistan – 24.1 dollars;
Ukraine – 24.1 dollars;
Iran – 22 dollars.
We also note that Switzerland is considered the country with the highest average price for a menu for two. The amount that 2 people will spend on lunch in a restaurant in this country is $136.8. This figure is $102.6 in Denmark and $95.6 in Norway.
The cheapest menu is recorded in Bangladesh. In this country, 2 people can eat in a restaurant for 9.1 dollars. Additionally, the average price of a menu for two is $12.50 in Pakistan, $12.60 in Nigeria, and $14.50 in India.

Elnur Ali
