Azerbaijan's Media Development Agency: Unsourced information circulates in Armenian media

Media Development Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (MEDIA) released a statement on unfounded misinformation published in the media resources of Armenia and a number of other foreign countries, APA reports.

The statement says:

“Misformation far from reality, unfounded, source of which is unknown, about the use of the territory of Azerbaijan against a third country for military purposes is being circulated, in the media resources of Armenia and a number of other foreign countries.

As a result of investigations carried out by the Media Development Agency, it was determined that the mentioned information has the essence of disinformation and is part of systematic disinformation attacks against our country.

We asses the circulation of false information and unverified opinions, which contradict the professionalism and international ethical values of the media, as another failed attempt to cast a shadow on the international reputation of our country.

We call on media subjects and journalists not to use inaccurate information, sources of which are unknown, and to demonstrate principiality against any display of disinformation attacks aimed at our country."

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