A company whose name is involved in serious crimes has won a 20 million tender

LLC “Epidbiomed” (TIN – 1500338941) became the winner of the tender conducted by the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.
reports that the Center will pay LLC 19 million 966 thousand 520 manats 40 kopecks for the purchase of a 6-component vaccine for the purpose of carrying out measures for the immunization of infectious diseases.
For information, the winner of the tender, Epidbiomed LLC, was registered in 2004. Aliyev Mammad Ali Sabir ogly is the legal representative of an LLC with an authorized capital of 10 manats.
It should also be noted that in 2018, the Prosecutor General’s Office published information about the disclosure of the actions of officials of a number of companies involved in the illegal trafficking of pharmaceuticals.
The information disseminated by the prosecutor's office also includes the name of Epidbiomed LLC, the winner of the 20 million tender of the Republican Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology.
It is reported that the founder of Epidbiomed LLC, Aliyev Namig Sabir oglu, collaborating with the deputy director of this company, Mamedov Kamal Ahmadiya oglu and other officials, with the selfish intention of receiving more income, over a long period of time starting in 2011, transferred 19 equivalents of drugs into the country for an amount of about 1 million manats, which were many times more expensive than original medicines.
The statement from the Prosecutor General's Office also notes that the management of Epidbiomed LLC has been charged under Articles 308.2 (exceeding official powers), 200-1.2.2 and 200-1.2.3 (illegal trafficking in medicines) of the Criminal Code. By a court decision, a preventive measure was chosen in the form of detention.
It should be noted that Article 6.2.6 of the Law “On Public Procurement” states that in order to participate in tenders, companies must provide information about their professional activities, as well as the activities of their managers and employees, and for 5 years before the start of procurement procedures there must not be convicted of an offense of misrepresentation.

Elnur Ali
