Luis Ocampo: A pawn in the hands of the Armenian diaspora - Kerim Sultanov's comment/VIDEO

Former International Criminal Court prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo has been actively working for nearly a year to convince the international community that Azerbaijan, especially its leadership, has been implementing a policy of "genocide" in Karabakh, says journalist Kerim Sultanov. Ocampo utilized the recent visit of President Ilham Aliyev to Germany to advance these accusations. President Aliyev was in Germany to participate in the "15th Petersberg Climate Dialogue" and also held meetings with the German Chancellor.

The Armenian diaspora had pre-organized protest actions in connection with Aliyev’s visit, urging Chancellor Olaf Scholz to condemn the displacement of Armenians from Karabakh and to impose sanctions against Baku.

Despite the disturbances orchestrated by the Armenians and their lobbyists, President Aliyev's visit was deemed successful.

Ocampo also participated in these diaspora activities, holding a press conference where he continued his accusations of "genocide" against Baku. Notably, last week, a lawsuit alleging genocide was filed against Ilham Aliyev at the International Criminal Court (ICC), prepared under Ocampo’s guidance.

Additionally, Ocampo, associated with the Armenian diaspora since last year, was requested by the former head of separatist Karabakh, Araik Arutyunyan, who was arrested in October 2023 and is currently under investigation in Baku, to prepare a report on the alleged "genocide" of Karabakh Armenians, executed through the closure of the Lachin Road. Ocampo prepared a detailed 28-page roadmap for the Armenians on how to hold official Baku internationally accountable for "genocide." While comprehensive, the practical application of the mechanisms described is questionable.

Ocampo's report suggests that a successful action might be possible if UN Security Council members themselves approach the ICC regarding the "genocide of Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh," since Azerbaijan has not joined the Rome Statute and does not recognize the court's jurisdiction. Ocampo considered the "genocide" proven and urged Armenians to secure institutional solutions to disputed territorial claims while they still can.

However, he concluded that the only realistic support for Armenians could come from their influential diaspora, capable of lobbying international leaders. This was evident in Germany, where diaspora actions followed the guidelines outlined in Ocampo's report.

In response to these claims, Azerbaijan hired Rodney Dixon, an experienced international law attorney, to assess Ocampo's allegations. Dixon concluded that the genocide allegations were unfounded and not supported by evidence, questioning the integrity of Ocampo's findings. This assessment is compounded by Ocampo's past controversies, including his involvement in financial irregularities, which casts further doubt on his reliability and impartiality in these matters.

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