Lukashenko: Belarus can participate in revival of liberated territories

We really have no closed topics. Everything is open. We discuss everything, even if someone hears the issues on our agenda, they might wonder what kind of relations we have," President of the Republic of Belarus Aleksandr Lukashenko said at an expanded meeting with President of the Republic of Azerbaijan lham Aliyev, APA repoers.

"These are the kindest, the closest relations, and we communicate like brothers. We understand the world the same way, and we understand where it is heading. You know, I told you in our one-on-one meeting about Heydar Aliyev. If only he could see how Azerbaijan is developing now. I remembered our conversation before the war, before your war of liberation, when we were philosophizing over lunch, the two of us. We came to the conclusion then that it was possible to win the war. It is important. It is very important to hold on to that victory. But, thirdly, we agreed, and you touched upon this question, that the most difficult time would begin after the war, when it would be necessary to revive the lands that you liberate. To begin the revival. And that hard time has come, when you have to revive these lands, you have to bring people back to their homes. Some have already been born in the city. You have won and you have held on to this victory. Now it is necessary to revive these lands. It takes time, it takes a lot of effort. It is difficult to do it all in five, perhaps even in 10 years.

Therefore, Ilham Heydarovich, if we can help with anything, if we can help by contributing to this. You have enough helpers now, but if we can participate in this on such a friendly basis: with equipment, agro-towns, workplaces. It is possible to resettle and bring people back, but you need housing and jobs. We have certain technologies, and your specialists and ministers know these technologies well. If they are suitable, if our equipment can be present and work here," the President of Belarus noted.

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